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Dentist in Kitchener Accepting New Patients

Family Dentistry on King – A Full-Service Dentist in Kitchener

Family Dentistry on King in Kitchener, your trusted Dentist in Kitchener proving Dental care for over 35 years. We are a dental practice made up of skilled and compassionate dental professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality dental care to families in Kitchener and surrounding areas.

At our practice, we are committed to the persistent pursuit of excellence and the consistent execution of advanced dental care for every patient. Our mission is to help our patients achieve and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles in a warm and welcoming environment. Our patients will experience a sense of well-being as they are treated with caring competence by our staff and Dentists who are motivated to provide the most current and advanced dental care available today.

Emergency Dentist
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Root Canal
woman smiling

General and Cosmetic Dental Services in Kitchener

Have you ever tried searching for a “Dentist near me” in Kitchener or “Best Dentist Kitchener” and been overwhelmed by the results? Family Dentistry on King features state-of-the-art facilities, technologies, & is headed by the highly experienced Dentist: Dr. Mace Abdulkarim D.D.S is a Canadian Board Certified in General Dentistry with a special interest in Invisalign

For a trusted and experienced family dentist in Kitchener, look no further than Family Dentistry on King. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference for yourself!

invisalign logo

family dentistry on king

If You Are Looking for an Emergency Dentist in Kitchener, We Are Accepting Patients for All Emergency Dental Services

Our team at Family Dentistry on King in Kitchener is here to make every dental visit as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We strive to make sure you get the smile you deserve. We’re here for the patients of Kitchener and surrounding communities. We’re accepting dental emergencies. Give us a call if you’re experiencing any swelling, bleeding, or pain within the mouth. We’ll make the appropriate accommodations to see you as soon as possible. Schedule an appointment by calling today! Stop by to tour the office and meet our team today!

Make the Most of Your Waterloo University, Laurier University, and Conestoga College Dental Plan at Family Dentistry on King!

We make it easy for Waterloo university, Laurier university, and Conestoga College Students to receive dental care. We’ll work with your dental plan to make it easy for you submit your claim.  We are conveniently located 15 minutes from Conestoga College. We also provide Students with same-day emergency care and extended hours.

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